Prophetic Words

“And Judas and Silas, who were themselves prophets, encouraged and strengthened the brothers with many words.” Acts 15:32

It is our heart to share what the Lord is speaking as He directs. May you be encouraged and blessed as you listen and receive His heart for you.

“I AM Moving NOW Upon Your Requests”

For the Lord says, “I hear your Prayers.
I see your genuine heart and your hunger for me.
I see your Faithfulness in the midst of the battle.
You have Preserved in Prayer, continuing to stand in Faith
believing You will Receive what You have asked of me.
I am moving in the hearts of those whom I have Prepared
to stand with You, those who Love You, those who share
your Heart and your Vision.
Do not pay attention to what “it looks like” in the
natural right now.
For what “it looks like” right now in the natural I am moving
upon and bringing CHANGE.
You have stood on My Word, Declared My Word, Shared
My Word and NOW I AM Delivering upon My Word to YOU!
Rejoice! For no Good thing will I withhold from those who
walk uprightly” says the Lord!